Career Planning & Placement Services

TBI Survivors

We support individuals with
traumatic brain injury and
their right to choose
how they live in their

Contact Us
Service Coordination

Our Service Coordinators provide case management services to individuals with traumatic brain injuries who wish to live independently in the community. The Service Coordinator also monitors the provision of all services in the services plan.

Independent Living Skills Training

Our ILST’s assist individuals to improve and maintain their individual community living skills so that they can live as independently as possible. Our ILST’s work one on one with each individual.

Community Integration Counseling

Our CIC’s assist individuals in coming to an understanding and acceptance of their TBI and related limitations, appropriately express thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs, and developing strategies to appropriately handle and cope with frustrations related to the TBI and related limitations. 

Structured Day Program

Our Structured Day Program provides our participants the opportunity to access their community in a safe and comfortable environment. This program works to assist participants with community integration, socialization and communication skills. Come connect with people in new ways.

Positive Behavioral Intervention Services

Our PBIS provides our participants the opportunity to address maladaptive behaviors associated with their altered state. Often times anger and frustration are an uncontrollable side effect created as a result o the TBI. Behavioral plans assist not only the participant but also staff and family.Having a consistent solution to problems can alleviate stress and anger.

Expected Outcomes

Individuals with TBI will be able to choose where and with whom they live.

Individuals with TBI will be able to live self-satisfying lives.

With a decrease in reliance on expensive nursing facility care, the State Medicaid program will realize significant savings.

Empowering TBI Individuals: Rights, Choices, and Learning


An individual with a TBI has the same right to be in control of his or her life as anyone else in our society.


An individual with a TBI must be able to choose where he or she wants to live, with whom he or she will live and who will provide any needed services.


An individual with a TBI has the right to learn as a member of society, by encountering and managing risks and, through experience, learn from related failures.

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Years Experience

